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Long-Tail Keywords Made Easy

Writer's picture: BellaBella

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

I'm sure you've heard the term "Long-Tail Keyword" during your small business journey. So what are they, and why are they important? Long-tail keywords are relatively straightforward, and by the end of this article you'll be able to develop your own like a pro!

So what are long-tail keywords, anyway?

I'm going to make this super easy for you. No...really, I am!

A long-tail keyword is set of 4-6 keywords that create a very specific phrase describing your listing.

That's it! I'm going to stop there - this is all you need to know for now.

...and yes, "short-tail keywords" also exist!

Short-tail keywords contain 3 keywords max. STKs are useful for online shoppers if they're not 100% positive what they're looking for, but have a very general idea. For example:

Short-Tail Keyword: High Heels

Long-Tail Keyword: Red Suede High Heels

In the example with the short-tail keyword, all the shopper knows for sure is that they're looking for high heels. This search will bring them 722 MILLION results on google. So yes, the shopper is getting what they're asking for, but no, it's unlikely that your listing will show up in the results. Eliminating some of your competition is a big reason as to why long-tail keywords are so important!

For the long-tail keyword example: "red suede high heels", the shopper knows more precisely what they're looking for and therefor their search results will be much more tailored to them. A google search for "red suede high heels" only yields 40 million results. For this example, when you use a long tail keyword you have 18x times less competition. While those are extremely large numbers, they give you an idea of how much competition you can get past on Etsy by using a long-tail keyword!

Where do long-tail keywords belong on Etsy?

Your long-tail keyword should make up the first 4-6 keywords of your listing title, and there should be no commas or special characters separating them. After you add the long-tail keyword, you can use the remaining available characters of your title to include a few short-tail keywords. This way you're really maximizing the number of searches that your listing is showing up in. Utilizing both long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords is going to give you a huge leg up on the competition.

Here's my method for developing long-tail keywords:

Step 1: Write down very factually what the listing is:

"Hoop Earrings", "Pendant Necklace", "Zip-Up Sweatshirt", "Birthday Card"

Step 2: Write down materials used to create the listing:

"Sterling Silver", "Cotton", "Felt", "Beads", "Flowers"

Step 3: Write down any other immediate adjectives that comes to mind - you can include colors too:

"Boho", "Modern", "Minimalist", "Blue", "Whimsical", "Red Stripes"

Step 4: Combine the keywords to make a 4-6 keyword phrase:

- Minimalist Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings

- Boho Pendant Necklace with Blue Beads

- Whimsical Birthday Card with Felt Flowers

- Modern Cotton Sweatshirt with Red Stripes

See - not so bad! When you break it down and take it one keyword at a time, your long-tail keyword will naturally come together.

Still now sure how to perfect your Etsy shop's SEO? Check out my Etsy Shop Re-Work for more help!

All content is created by Bella Consulting Studio, LLC. Any reproduction or copying of this content is strictly prohibited.

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